It’s the people that make all the difference.

It’s our members that make Guinness Business Centre so unique. From sole proprietor and private practice to titans of industry, the variety of businesses and the people who run them make up the fabric of our community. When you join us for one of our exciting networking events, you’ll get to meet team members from all types of industries such as tech, law, finance, wellness, development, and so many more. We pride ourselves on our diverse and supportive community.

We’d love for you to join us.

Join our community of inspiring and innovative leaders. The Guinness Business Centre has been host to companies that have started small then gone on to span across continents. We foster an environment of growth and support.

The Guinness Business Centre Network

Where meaningful connections happen.
Meet the inspiring thought leaders of our community at our professional and fun networking events. We offer a variety of wine and cheese nights, learning sessions, and entertainment events. We pride ourselves in the inclusivity and support that our community has provided to all of its members.

Take a tour of your next office.